
Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Persian-Greek Wars

Tuesday (7th period) or Wednesday (8th period) Class Debate
Were the Spartans Fighting For A Compromised View of Freedom at Thermopylae?

You will have five sources from which to draw: (1) Chapter 5 of Thomas Martin's Ancient Greece which distinguishes Sparta's oligarchic, militaristic city-state with Athens' developing democracy and naval power; (2) Chapter 6 of Thomas Martin's Ancient Greece which provides a scholarly account of the Persian-Greek Wars; (3) the debate packet with the perspective pieces by Byron Farwell (no) and Paul Cartledge (yes); (4) the videos below.

The format will be the rotating round debate structure we used for the Ashoka debate just before Spring Break.  Each side will get a 2-3 minute intro, followed by a series of four minute rounds, concluding with a 2-3 minute conclusion.  Individual participation (quality and quantity) will be tracked and graded. May the games (or war) begin!

Defending Sparta from a Spartan or broader Greek perspective


Attacking Sparta from a Persian perspective

John Green Crash Course World History

History Channel (Last Stand of the 300)

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