
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Greek City-States: Divergent Political Systems

PBS: Greek City-States (More Focused on Sparta) 

Education Portal: Athens under Solon and Cleisthenes 

Ted-Ed Sparta 

Ted-Ed What Did Democracy Really Mean in Athens?

Divergent Political Systems: Judging Disputes 

Procedure: Break students into five groups and assign each group a different political system: (1) monarchy in Mycanae; (2) aristocracy in Early Athens; (3) limited democracy in Athens amidst reform; (4) direct democracy in the Golden Age of Athens; and (5) oligarchy in Sparta.  

You have to resolve a dispute.  It involves a wealthy landowner, Odysseus, and one of his poorer neighbors, Alexandros. Alexandros has seen slaves of Odysseus encroaching on his property snooping around.  He wants to challenge Odysseus legally, suspecting that Odysseus wants to take part of his land to increase nobleman's own estate.  When he brings his claim, Odysseus defends his encroachment on the grounds that his expenses have increased, and he needs the additional land. 

Decision-Making Question 

1. Who has the power to make this decision?
2. What is the basis of this power?
3. Which side of the dispute will the government favor? Why?
4. What is the likely judgment?  

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