
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Greece Exam Study Guide

Greece Study Guide             
100 points on Greek history         
30 points on Euro Geo

Section I. The Iliad (Book 1, 6, 23 and 24)

Values at play in the dispute between Agamemnon and Achilles
Burial practices and rituals surrounding the death of Patroclus
The values embodied by the characters of Hector and Achilles

Section II. Multiple Choice

Political systems in the Greek city-states
Monarchy in Mycenae
Aristocracy in Early Athens
Limited Democracy in Reformed Athens
Direct Democracy in Golden Age of Athens
Oligarchy in Sparta

Section III.  Matching Key Terms With Appropriate Definitions  

Political systems, Greco-Persian war, and Peloponnesian War

Pericles                       Council of Elders       Delian League                        oligarchy
Socrates                      Democracy                 Peloponnesian League         aristocracy
Assembly                    Citizen                        Persian view                         Solon
Leonidas                     Council of 500           Greek view                            Cleisthenes   
Spartan view             Athenian view           Battle of Thermopylae          Tyranny

Section IV. Sorting Supporting Evidence from a Scholarly, Reliable Source

Peloponnesian War: Inevitable or Avoidable

You will be required to sort supporting evidence from Chapter 6 of Thomas Martin’s book on Ancient Greece into two categories, events that made war inevitable between Sparta and Athens and events that made war avoidable between Sparta and Athens. 

Section V. Short Answer (5 points)

Athenian democracy

You will be asked to compare Athenian political structure to our own in terms of equality and participation. Think constitutionally.

Section VI. Short Answer (5 points)

You will be asked to discuss how the Achilles figure influenced Alexander the Great.  

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