
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Looking to Sanskrit for Answers on the "Aryan" (Indo-European) Migration Debate

Did Sanskrit come from the Indus Valley civilization or did it come from outside?  In other words, does Sanskrit prove the migration of Aryans into India? 

The below link depicts the path of the Aryan migration into India:

However, this Indus seal of Shiva, depicting him in a lotus position (as above), and discovered at Mohenjo-daro suggests that much of Hinduism must predate the arrival of the Aryans of Central Asia. 

What is Hinduism?

Extra-credit educational BBC documentary featuring a young girl about your age on the question of "What is Hinduism?" Remember to think spiritually as well as in terms of concrete beliefs: What are the deep, underlying beliefs of Hinduism?  (10 points homework extra credit) 

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