
Monday, January 9, 2017

India Religious Systems Salon

In this activity, you will research your chosen religious system (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, or Sikhism) and you will represent that religion during the discussion.  Our overarching question will be as follows:

"To what extent are the implications for social and economic life different within India's religious traditions?"  
  • How would I expect myself to live on a day-to-day basis?
  • How would I obtain the resources I need in order to survive?
  • How important is basic survival versus luxury to me? 
  • How would I organize my social life (family, friends, meals, living space, leisure time, time with myself, time with others, quality of life)?
  • How would I organize my economic life (occupation, effort, status, material and non-material expectations for the future).   
You may use ABC-CLIO World Religions, the Story of India, and the British Library Website on Sacred Stories.  For those specializing in Sikhism, you might also try this UCLA website.  For those specializing in Hinduism, you might take a look at contemporary Hinduism, also at the UCLA website.  For those specializing in Jainism, you may link to the UCLA website here.  Finally, Buddhism at UCLA website here.

7th Period Sign Up Sheet (You May Switch Slots With Permission of Both Students) 

8th Period Sign Up Sheet (You May Switch Slots With Permission of Both Students)

Hinduism Mahabharata Board Notes (1 of 2)

Hinduism Mahabharata Board Notes (2 of 2)

Buddhism Dhammapada Source Board Notes

Jainism Mahavira Source Board Notes

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