
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Egypt: Quarterly Research Paper Begins!

Today, you began the process of considering a research paper topic specific to ancient Egypt.  Once you have an idea of a topic, you may begin your LIBRARY RESEARCH.  Ms. Volk, our class librarian, has created this EGYPT PATHFINDER, which is a special web page, that links you to relevant books, databases, scholarly websites, and primary sources. The goal of secondary source research is to provide the contextual details to aid your analysis of the civilization and the artifacts you have chosen.  If you pick an artifact from the Old Kingdom, your secondary source research should not deal with the New Kingdom.  Use the approximate dating of the artifact to locate the particular era from which it would derive in ancient Egypt.

My recommendations are to (a) consider what "lens" (political, economic, technological, religious, social, cultural, military) interests you most as a historian; (b) consider what "period" or "periods" of Egyptian history are relevant to your "lens;" and (c) consider the geographic area of Egypt relevant to your "lens," "period," and finally "topic." A knowledge of ancient Egyptian cities, as different pharaohs concentrated power in different places, can be of use.  In class, we are looking at a film in class to ignite your "historical imagination," assist you to choose a "lens" and "period," and give you a sense of change and continuity over 2500 years. It is also available via Youtube, if you are absent.

Keep track of your sources as well as their page numbers as you research. We will spend Friday and Monday the library, so that you have time to ask Ms. Volk and myself research questions. 

Your first DUE DATE is a four source, annotated bibliography (two artifacts or primary sources and two scholarly secondary sources minimum) due to by 7 pm on Wednesday, November 2.  A sample annotated bibliographic summary for a source can be found HERE, from your Rampolla text.  

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