
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Winter Quarter Research Paper

Piggybacking off your first two projects on the Dynastic Cycle and Philosopher's Tea, we will begin your Winter Quarter Research Paper.  You are encouraged to use themes in ancient and pre-modern Chinese history with which you are already familiar.

Examples include:
centralization of power 
bureaucratic structures 
education or technology 
religious systems and institutions 
organization of the military and war 
impact of foreign invasion
massive public works projects 
lives of peasants (conscription for labor, taxation, revolts against dynasties) 
innovations in belief systems (Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism) 
the use of belief systems by political institutions

Where should you look for sources?  Exactly where you have already been looking for the last two projects plus the Asian book cart pulled specifically for our class by Ms. Volk in the Pritzker Traubert Library.  You need to use two books, two reputable and scholarly electronic sources, and one primary source.  Once you have met that independent research requirement, you may also incorporate evidence from the Craig text which I scanned and uploaded for you. Take research notes with quotation marks to avoid "accidental" plagiarism.  Use this format

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