
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How Did the Second Empire Differ from the First?

How Did the Second Empire Differ from the First?

Ms. Gerst's Thesis Statement Examples 

#1 Although the Song Dynasty reveled in the Confucian principles codified during the First Empire, their predecessor Tang Dynasty broke with past traditions, permitting greater freedom for women, a trade-based economic system, and devotion to Buddhis, 

#2 Although the Song Dynasty seemingly reverted to Confucian ideals, it broke entirely with past, ushering in a new age of commercial, artistic, and technological revolutions, thereby changing now people lived in China until the arrival of the Mongols. 

#3 Sui dynasty rebuilt itself on the foundations of the Qin and Han dynasties, appealing to its belief systems, reconstructing the capital Chang'an and the Great Wall, and recreating a strong, central government after conquering rivals. 

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