
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Shang/Zhou/Qin/Han dynasty maps

The following maps are used for educational (non-commercial) purposes only. They are used in Bulliet's The Earth and its People within Chapter 2, pages 42 and 152. Students in Early World should use these two maps to prepare for the map section of Friday's test.  You are responsible for the following:
1. Yangtze River
2. Huang He River
3. Wei River
4. Xi'an (Chang'an) 
5. Anyang
6. Luoyang
7. Zhengzhou
8. Guangdong
9. the Grand Canal
10. the Great Wall of China

A wonderful interactive map feature that allows you to change maps dynasty by dynasty from Princeton University:|Tang&anim=1

China at the time of the Shang and Zhou 

China at the time of the Qin and the Han dynasties 

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