
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Class distinctions in ancient Egypt

Scribe (record daily life of all the other workers, accounting, accounts of battle, copying other texts, writing texts). THEY CONTROL THE HISTORY, WHAT WILL BE PASSED ON.
* always work to be done
* control over your daily life and the product of your labor
* power of others, others pandering to you.
* better work than being a suffering soldier 
* hold more respect for your life than another 
* this is not manual labor, you are not physically depleted with scribe work
* preferable to washerman , pot maker, cobbler, watchman, merchant ship crew, carpenter, tax collector, field workers, soldiers, and peasants.  
* mobility (you can climb up the ranks) 
*it is a higher in the hierarchy 

Social hierarchy 


Scribe - closer connection to the pharaoh, meaning the more power and influence you have, more possessions, more property, power over the other classes (e.g.,, peasants), own slaves.

Soldiers - a means to an end, lesser "identity" than a scribe, a pawn of the pharaoh 

washerman , pot maker, cobbler, watchman, merchant ship crew, carpenter, tax collector, field workers, soldiers, and peasants.  

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